Domoticz on a raspberry zero w with rasbian stretch lite
After I got my slimme meter installed, I wanted to get more details on my electricity usage. So I bought myself a cable, and a raspberry and this is the result:
##Shopping list:
- Slimme meter kabel
- Raspberry Pi Zero W Basis Pakket from sos solutions, including the essential micro USB OTG cable
- Small plastic box reused from DIY store Gamma
##Installing Domoticz
After burning raspbian to an SD and adding a ssh
and complete wpa_suplicant.conf
file to the boot
volume, I ran into 2 issues: wifi did not connect, libssl was not found. Took me half an hour with google to figure out a solution.
###wpa_suplicant.conf This version I copied from another raspberry worked, simpler versions I found with google did not.
ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev
###libssl not found and Illegal instruction
Domoticz started and output said it was listening on ports 80 and 443….but no joy. service domoticz status
stated that libssl was not found.
Installing libssl with apt install libssl
does not install the version domoticz is searching for, WTF, they ok pinned an older version.
Googling got me a .deb for that version…still no joy, worse, I got an “Illegal instruction” error in the log with domotics status
Finally checked the domoticz forum and found the solution to install this libssl1.0.0_1.0.1t-1+deb8u6_armhf.deb.deb from that worked. wget
that file and sudo dpkg -i libssl1.0.0_1.0.1t-1+deb8u6_armhf.deb
does the trick.
The raspberry fits nicely in the box for ‘Keilbouten M6x50x40’ from Gamma. I used the sticker to close the box; although not required as I ended up squezing the box under a shelf. Cutting a small hole on the side allows for connecting the power and slimme meter USB cable.